Enhance your data
Today, data is everywhere in organizations, but it is often still far too under-used. Data enables new usages and services to be built, processes to be improved, needs to be anticipated…
Exploit your data wherever it is in the information system and whatever its format
Business applications
Industrial Sensors
Sensors for logistics
Accounting software
Make the most of your data
Aggregate, transform and present the relevant data
Through ETL (mainly Talend) and data visualization tools ( such as Elastic search and Kibana – the ELK suite), Jnesis offers to access all available or easily accessible data (from suppliers and customers for example), to cleanse and consolidate it to build different usages
Feed other tools by building a data warehouse for example
Build and feed business tools (supervision, decision-making) that can be consumed via browsers or mobile applications
Serve as a gateway to third party tools (marketplace, customer information system)
Decision-making support
Ease the visualization of rich, complex and discrete data.