IPCO is an institute specializing in the treatment of overweight. It distinguishes itself through innovative technological solutions.
IPCO entrusted Jnesis with the development of a web platform that collects and analyzes data from wearables connected to a smartphone. This EU-funded project was a challenge that Jnesis proposed us to meet with Sencha products to reduce development time and facilitate the porting to mobile devices.
Results speak for themselves: Jnesis has delivered a stylish and user-friendly web platform, within budget and 6 months earlier than initially planned. We recommend Jnesis for their relevant advisory services, their expertise and their unwavering commitment in project management support.
Hager Electro is a manufacturer of electrical protections, metering and home automation devices.
With Jnesis, we have found a team that is a source of proposals in application design, reactive when requesting additional resources with a friendly way without cutting in professional approach.
The resulting application with ExtJS is homogeneous in whole GUI parts and the code is easily maintainable thanks to the architecture proposed with the framework. Jnesis and Sencha technologies have greatly helped us to stay confident in our deliveries. We can now schedule further functionalities and meet expectations of the marketing department.
We work for over a year with the Jnesis company through a customer portal development. Their expertise and approach with Sencha allowed them to stand out at our bidding.
Today, the web portal is highly appreciated by our customers, and we continue to introduce any new features. I am pleased with their professionalism, their discipline and their proposals force for my project to be a success!